Sunday, December 12, 2010

Chapter 38 A Changing Heart

I am amazed how vicious you guys are towards Edward! Poor guy has been referred to every name under the sun in the reviews! I laughed so hard at how you all chastised the poor guy for attempting a little romance in an otherwise life-threatening scene.
That’s okay though. Thank God, his skin is as hard as marble. Ha ha….

Please forgive me with the alternating Point of views again in this scene but it was the best way to read the events as they happened versus writing two chapters in different point of views.

Be ready to laugh! This was fun writing!

Edward’s Eternal Kiss

Chapter 38

A Changing Heart


And so it began.

It was heaven — right smack in the middle of hell.

We all imagine hell to be a place that is hot. Full of flames and searing heat and a short little red guy with horns and a forked tail carrying a blivet.



Wrong! (loud buzzer sounds)

Trust me when I say—what you imagine it to be—doesn’t even come close! Oh and in case you’re wondering…that short guy is actually a six foot two bronzed haired hunky vampire who has a killer smile that leaves a puddle in your panties. The red is actually your ass after he is done with it bent over his whipping bench and the blivet…I’m sure is hanging up somewhere in a playroom back in Los Angeles hidden away with his set of elusive horns. 

Sexy little devil

Have you seen those firestorms on TV, you know the ones where dozens of homes are lost and all you see left in their wake is the brick chimney from the fireplaces standing around a pile of melted metal and ash? The kind of fire that consumes everything in its path except the goddamn chimney of all things…you know was some hot ass shit.

Well guess what?

The fire that was burning in me could melt anything it touched and those fucking chimneys would be a pile of ash too! I kid you not!

This shit Edward likes to refer to as venom was inside of my fucking veins flowing through me because my heart started to beat again and pumped it through my body even after it stopped. How do I know it stopped?

Because I heard his last words loud and clear…

“NO!!!!!!!!!! You can’t take her from me too!”

Edward wouldn’t say that if my heart was still beating. So it had to have stopped. I wondered if Carlisle forgot to tell him that this would happen. If I had the time to worry, I should have questioned if he had even spoke to his father before he sunk those pearly white motherfucking venom laced lethal weapons into my soft, sweet body.

Disgruntled? Me? Naw!  

Yeah okay, maybe a little.

You would be too if your body was topping out a mean temperature of ten thousand degrees Fahrenheit!

This wasn’t supposed to happen like this. I was supposed to be safely tucked in his bed in the Cullen home for my change. Not that it would have been more comfortable.

I wasn’t completely sure he had bitten my thigh at first. I am not complaining because to be changed the way Edward did was utterly the most beautiful thing he could of ever have done for me.

I shouldn’t have expected anything less from my Romanticidal Edward.

I know it isn’t a word but hell it just sounds so sweet and sexy don’t it?

He was born in the era of the Old Fashioned Victorian Gentlemen but I gotta say the words Edward and Gentlemen have a tendency to remind me of the yin and yang symbol.

Edward is a bad boy inside that proper upbringing he feigns so well at times.

He is a fucking Dominant for crying out loud!  And a Victorian Dominant is so fucking taboo its quite funny when you actually stop and think about it.  But I will be damned if one of them didn’t just turn me into a bloodsucking bitch from hell who, when she wakes up, plans on biting that motherfucker back for putting me through this!

Okay…I know I agreed to this. I asked for it. Hell, at times I even begged for it.  I mean yeah they said it would be painful and that it took three days. But, here’s the thing, they failed to emphasize that three days would feel like Eternity on a motherfucking loop.

They also failed to emphasize that while I looped, I would be walking through the very core of Mt. KÄ«lauea naked as a jaybird.

Yeah, your getting the picture now aren’t ya?


I can still hear his words in my ear as I lay here but most of the time I just fucking burn—, burn—, and burn deep down within me. It slowly spread through my veins, consuming my blood, turning it into venom and leaving behind a heat so intense it felt as though I had been injected with fresh molten lava from said volcano listed above as it fed on every red blood cell and the plasma had to be all but gone by now.

I closed my eyes and I gritted my teeth. Did I mention I was burning? Well I was.

Three days of this.

Three days in the pit of the worst fire, I could ever imagine. Flames licking at my feet, the heat searing through my organs charring them and halting their purpose for existing at all.

Edward said our human memories will be blurry and fade. There is one part of this night I would like to erase and I won’t ever let him know about it because it would kill him to know this.


So this is between you and me.

Edward hurt me.

Literally from the inside. I don’t blame him. He barely had control of his blood lust, let alone his cock as it thrust into me. Yes that shit started to fucking hurt. Honestly, I know now that he had been holding out on me, because if that is the power that he can fuck at…I sure as hell hope my vampire body can withstand a fucking like that!
I was pretty confident that it could though, and to say I was a little anxious to get this burning shit over with was an understatement.

The first thing I want to do is demand he fuck me like that! That is if my kitty has healed properly.

As I lay here, I remembered the feeling of Carlisle biting my wrists. It didn’t hurt until he pumped me full of venom. I wanted to scream bloody murder but I didn’t. I kept it together. Barely. But yes, I was a little pissed off at the damn sexy Ken Doll.

Then I felt my weight was suddenly lifted, and although I couldn’t escape the heat burning inside of me, the coolness of Edward’s body as he carried me relieved some of the burning. His cold lips brushed over my cheek his cool breath sweet on my lips and he pressed them to mine.

“I love you.” He whispered. “Let’s go home.”

I loved him too but I couldn’t speak for fear I would spew lava from my lips as it coursed through my veins.

Then cool air blasted over me and voices were faintly muttering around me at an indecipherable speed. I barely caught bits and pieces of the conversation but at the end of it all, I couldn’t help but smile.

“I have been so worried.” Esme’s voice was so close.

His melodic velvet voice washed over my face. “I am taking her upstairs.”

“I feel totally useless.” Esme cried out. “I know she hurts and there is nothing we can do for her.”

“Tell me about it. I feel like….well about as useful as Rosalie.” Alice sighed.

“Hey! What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Rosalie snapped.

I wanted to laugh. God I so wanted to laugh. If I could, I would be rolling.

“Oh baby, you got plenty of skills.” Emmett’s voice boomed in my ears.

“Oral skills, paddle skills, kissing skills…and you know that thing you do with you’re…”

“Emmett!” Esme scolded.

“What? What did I do?” He actually sounded surprised. Gotta love a clueless Emmett.

“If you don’t mind I would like to take Bella upstairs.” His voice boomed out over theirs, he sounded a little strained and I understood that but how could he not laugh at this?

And now was burning so I could become a part of this family, my family and I couldn’t fucking wait! I had plans. Plans that would have Emmett screaming like a girl. Plans to tease the hell out of Ben about his weird fascination with Tia’s ass. Plans to flirt with…and speaking of the devil….

“Everything seems to be going well.” The velvet voice of the Ken doll himself rang through my ears.  “She is so quiet.” He noted.

Yeah don’t get so used to it there Dad. I am vampire hear me roar! Ow,…okay so I was still burning.

“Of course she is. She just got shagged.  Humans tend to sleep after they have sex.” Jasper chuckled and Alice giggled.

“I can’t believe I call you all my family.” Edward’s voice and breath were so close to my face.

You know what Edward…I fully agree. But they are our family now.

“Oh shut up you know you love us even if you won’t admit it!” Rosalie stated and I heard her hit him. I recognized the thud.

My head turned towards him as his body shifted and I opened my eyes.

I was still cradled in his arms as he carried me up the stairs. He didn’t see that I was looking at him. I burned from the inside out and it was all for him.

For us.

For Forever.

Time had passed and his cold frame now lies beside me.

He started to speak and I laid there and burned as family came and went over the next couple of days.

He pulled me through it. Never leaving my side, not even to hunt. His family mentioning his eye color and Alice saying that she had a feeling that once I saw those burgundy eyes on my vamp, I was going to fall in lust with his sexy ass. He laughed stating that I was already in lust with him.

A little full of yourself there Edward?

No seriously,…I loved him and I truly hoped out of all of this that when I opened my eyes the first thing I wanted to see was him.


Even when he started spewing shit about how if he could suffer instead of me he would.

Sorry but he had been through this and I highly doubt he would volunteer to actually have me say okay sure!

He would turn around and run like any other normal human that knew what it was like to burn like this.

Yeah just you wait my little Vamp-Dom. Payback is a bitch motherfucker!

As if I could give a rats ass that blue is your favorite color on me when I am burning in Satan’s own playground!

What you could do is strip your ass down, climb on top of me, and cover me with your icy skin. Now, that would help!

But no... I lay there burning while the sexiest form of any ice pack I've ever experienced sits beside me and tells me all the tidbits of his life, wasting all his soothing coolness while his little she-vamp burns in the pits of hell.

Funny, he was never one to engage in such fact giving conversation before. What the hell was up with that?



There are terms we use to describe someone in regards to their good looks. Beautiful, pretty, gorgeous, exquisite, and lovely are just a few.

It seemed that not one of those words came close to describing the beauty of the creature that lies here beside me.

I watched every detail change minutely as my venom took hold of fragile human tissue of my beloved Bella and made her into something else, something vampire.

Her skin slowly dropped degree by agonizing degree as it hardened and paled even further.

Damn those fucking lips.

They deepened into a darker shade of red then to an almost deep burgundy. My cock twitched while I watched them form a permanent pout, the bottom lip filling out and becoming slightly fuller than the top. If she continued her human habit of biting on her lower lip, making it swell as a result, then the Gods had looked down upon me and blessed me with a girl that could put Angelina Jolies pouty motherfuckers to shame.
God I wanted to kiss her right now.  And, of course, my dick wanted to make its own introduction to that pretty little pouty mouth of hers.

We argued trust me. My cock and me I mean.

He disagreed with me on more than one occasion as to weather or not it was acceptable to have sex with a changing humans mouth. He seemed to think she wouldn’t mind the invasion. It was a tough fight but I won out.

I wouldn’t call it winning…more like being morally correct.

The monster laughed at me. The fucker actually laughed, I even think I heard him call me a fucking pussy...

Punk ass motherfucker!

I held her hand and turned it over in mine as I inspected it and watched it change in my very own hands. I even wondered if this is how God feels when he creates life.

No, I didn’t create her life. I created her immortality. And fuck me if I didn’t pat my own ass on the back and congratulated myself for creating mother fucking perfection.

Fucking perfect.

Small, soft, yet solid. Beautifully curved nails in my hands and I found that I kissed each fingertip and lovingly rubbed it up against my cheek. Amazingly, she still felt warm even when she lost another degree.

Her hair darkened and developed a mahogany hue that added such depth and shine when the light hit it just right.

I gazed down at her face as each detail morphed. Scar’s healed, her nose got cuter with its near perfection, the little bump removed, and I snorted at the thought.

A vampire with a cute nose. Seriously man? You’re losing it!

Damn did I want to kiss her though.

Then her brows arched higher and curved. She would have one mean bitch brow. I looked forward to the ire that would come with it.

Then her tiny pink tongue came out and she licked her fucking lips and I groaned.

Her fists clenched and her face looked pained.

“Bella I am here sweetheart. I love you. Your fine. Everything is fine.”
Her face soothed out. Did this help her?

“Does it help when I talk to you Bella? I know you’re burning and I am so fucking sorry. I wished I could take it for you.”

I caught a hint of her lip move up. She was in there and she could hear me.

“Do you know that my favorite color on you is blue? I never realized I liked blue.”
I continued as that little lift in her lip gave me hope.

“I prefer baseball to football but don’t tell Emmett that.”

“I heard that!” he bellowed from downstairs. Fucker.

“I have attended high school so many times I wanted to kill my father the last time he suggested we attend it again.”

“I don’t remember much about my Mother but I do remember her face through Carlisle’s memory.  Even when she was ill she was still so beautiful. She would have loved you. Then again who doesn’t?”

“My favorite subject in school was biology but I never really knew why.”

“Alice and Jasper stole my room when they first came to live with us. I was hunting with Em and when I came back all my stuff was outside in the garage!”

“Esme used to bake when she first came to us. I think it made her happy she could cook again when you first came.”

“Carlisle tried to kill himself several times when he discovered what he was. He found it was impossible.”

Suddenly her body shivered and I knew she wasn’t fucking cold. Cold was the last thing you….


I lifted the blanket off her and pulled her to lie on my chest. I mean she was burning…maybe this shit would help. What could it hurt right?

“How is this baby? Does this help at all? I wished you could speak to me. Although maybe it not be such a good idea since you probably want to rip my balls off for doing this to you.” I sighed and then I felt her nuzzle.

She fucking nuzzled.

“Bella that is working isn’t it?” I asked.

“Hang on baby.” I ripped off my jeans and boxers, threw the blankets aside, and pulled her on top of me.

“Is that better Kitten?” I asked as I wrapped my arms around her body trying to cool her off. Well at least that was the effect I was hoping for.

“Don’t be scared Bella this won’t last forever. One more day baby.”

Her body relaxed and I continued to speak to her.

“I hated grape when I was human. I hated grape jelly. I hated grape soda. I hated grapes but I can’t remember what was my favorite food.”

I kissed her forehead and she fucking moved her body to hold me.

“Fuck Bella that is working isn’t baby? Fuck had I known I would’ve held you naked the whole time. I’m so sorry.”

“God you feel so good Bella your still warm baby. God you’re still so fucking warm!”

Goddamn emotions.

I kissed her cheek moving down and along her neck.

“Still so warm and damn baby my throat isn’t burning for once!”

“Knock, Knock,”

“Wait a second.” I pulled a blanket to cover us and Rosalie walked in.

“What the hell Edward you fucking pervert! Can’t you wait till she is at least conscious?”

“Fuck you Rose it’s not what you think!”

“Well brother please enlighten me as to why Bella is straddling you and your both naked?”

“The temperature of my body is soothing her burning.”

“Yeah right. Good one.”

“No I am fucking serious.”

“Whatever…anyway…I brought this in for you to dress her when she is about to wake up.”

“What is it?”

“Something Alice picked out.”

She unfolded it and held it up. My brows shot up in surprise and I snorted out a laugh.

“I am pretty sure Bella would prefer something a little more comfortable.”

“Nope. She told Alice she wanted to wear this.”

“Seriously?” I couldn’t believe it.

“Yeah she rambled on about you and something about hunting and easy access.”

My cock stiffened.

“Fuck me Bella, you little sex kitten, you!” I laughed.

Rosalie rolled her eyes and threw it on the couch and left.

“Mm…so you were thinking ahead, huh baby?”

“Haven’t even opened your eyes yet and your already thinking about fucking me while we hunt. Fuck Bella, that’s just hot.”

He stirred at the mere thought. Anticipating. Wanting her already and the fucker had plans.

You know it. No holds barred. And fuck, when we do get another round at popping her cherry we won’t be holding back either, mother fucker.

He smiled wickedly and curled up to wait out the next several hours and for once that didn’t seem to worry me so much as it used to.

I wondered why that was…   


  1. That was perfect...of course she would want him to cool her off

  2. This was a great chapter. I was laughing at Bella and already getting feisty and thinking of revenge for Edward and why he didn't think of cooling her off. But I think he is going to have his hands full with Bella and her temper when she wakes up and I cant wait. lol. Its going to be fun.

  3. This page was blank. No chapter. The same for 35. Is there somewhere else I need to look for this chapter. I am assuming it is about her change, which is a pivotal chapter, and would like to read it.

    1. Try to select the text as if you copying it. And you can see... Same for 35.
